10 Things I Wish I’d Known about Running a Non Profit

In my coaching sessions with missionaries and global aid workers, one of the things I find increasingly common is that most of these brave souls are also non-profit or NGO founders, like I was, trying to manage an impossible list of tasks in a developing country. They are carrying the additional burden of running an

10 Things I Wish I’d Known about Running a Non Profit Read More Ā»

Why Missionaries Need a Theology of Suffering

“They shared an unshakeable belief in beauty, in overflow, in everythingness, the bursting, indelible beauty in a world where there is so much suffering and wounding and pain.” Ā –The Light of the World– Many of you know I write a lotĀ about self care,Ā and avoiding burnout, but I don’t want to ignore the fact that in

Why Missionaries Need a Theology of Suffering

10 Things Missionaries Wished Their Churches Knew

“WithoutĀ adequate member care strategies there is little hope for the ongoing maintenance of the frontier missionary movement. More than that, these missionaries require special attention so that in the context of sacrifice and isolation, they can still reach the people they are called to.” -Kelly O’Donnell Today more and more missionaries and non profit workers

10 Things Missionaries Wished Their Churches Knew

What Every Missionary Needs to Know about Re-Entry

“I am a confusion of cultures. Uniquely me. I think this is good because I can understand the traveler, sojourner, foreigner, the homesickness that comes. I think this is also bad because I cannot be understood by the ordinary, mono-cultured person. They know not the real meaning of homesickness that hits me now and then.

What Every Missionary Needs to Know about Re-Entry Read More Ā»

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