Take the Millennials on a Mission Survey

miI’ve realized in my work that when you want to serve people the way they want to be served and you’re not sure how to do that, it’s best just to ask.

It’s amazing how validating and soothing the simple words, “What do you need?” can be.

To this end, I’ve created a brief, 5 minute survey called “Millennials on a Mission” to hear from you so I can understand your pain points and how to serve you better, as well as what will be most effective to keeping you healthy, thriving, and sustainable on the field.

This is a chance for your voice to be heard!

I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to respond and pass it on.

Right now I’m mostly focusing on Millennials (roughly between 1980- 20 years later) who are in missions/ministry/social justice/non profit or aid work overseas in some cross-cultural capacity. You can be on the field currently or returned. Whether or not you’re of the “Millennial generation” or another equally awesome generation, please share with other Millennials you know.

**This is in response to a recent blog “Why Millennials are the Future of Missions.” A follow up article will be written and who knows you might get a shout out!  🙂

To download your free re-entry ebook subscribe for my newsletter in the right hand side bar of the home page!

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